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  • Posts

    • Leveling is trivial in every MMO I've played, whether it's GW2, ESO, FF14, WoW, even New World isn't hard. If people want to work on their rotations because mobs are dying too fast in the open world, hit up a target dummy on the Ziost Shadow on the Imp side or on the Gav Daragon on the Republic side, or run some FP's and use the opportunity when you get to a boss. Mechanics can be learned from reading guides or watching YT videos.  When SWTOR first launched, the leveling process was much harder, and for whatever reason EAWare thought it was a good idea to tune it down and even altered mechanics such as the Jedi Knight boss fight near the end of the storyline, making it a near cake walk now compared to then. They also made the companions overpowered for awhile until they realized they buffed them too much and had to nerf them. Hit up the target dummies if mobs are dying too fast, work on rotations and your muscle memory, because it's not going to happen during the leveling process. 
    • At the time I was still playing FF14, it stressed me to no end - being forced to group up with people just to progress the story. It has changed, mind you, FF14 dungeons can be soloed now with comps, but back then it was huge pain and SWTOR story progress made me so relieved I ultimately chose it over FF14. Honestly neither game prepares the player for the other, they're entirely different beasts to casual like me.  The difficulty threshold in SWTOR actually was past the class story. It's Oricon that makes you do two things if you really want to learn how the questline ends - you finally need to learn your interrupt for Bothrium Beast mission and you need to group up for ops. These were the lessons in mechanics that in FF14 would happen much sooner, would hit harder, but also would be so much better explained. That said, these are two different games, with different approach to their players, and I don't think in comparison SWTOR players are dumber or lazier. We're often the same people, enjoying different things in different setups. 
    • OMG, I literally thought it's me imagining things when this happened couple of times. So it's not just my imagination nor my Theron obsession summoning the guy out of the blue instead of regular companion! Annoying, yes, but thank you for confirming there are still sanity leftovers within this old lady 🤣
    • For me there is a difference between "not caring" and straight up "lying about changes". I prefer to assume that this is a tricky bug rather than a malicious attempt at making us believe that they changed something. If I don't see this adressed in the coming months and if I keep seeing this matchmaker behavior however, my opinion will slowly shift to the later. Which is bad, because you don't want players to start accumulating proofs of work not being done/straight up lies.
    • I'll be honest, I'm not saying that XIV is too easy or too hard. But when it comes to story content, at least they know how to make it right, and make difficulty engaging. At the end of their current expansion, you end up in a solo fight against a guy named Zenos. I can put a video link if that helps to see what I'm talking about. The fight is not hard, but still, put any of these swtor casuals on it and they'll fail miserably because at no point did the game force them to learn that yes, aoes bad, dodge them and keep fighting. Again, if story casuals of XIV can get through it, I think that the fight isn't hard. Which is good. But it's still harder than anything you'll find on swtor. I've done a few runs of Ruins of Nul recently, both veteran and master mode. And *every time* we reach the droid server boss, people are like "omg so many aoes this is hard ????" Meanwhile all of the XIV casuals just laugh and clear the fight because this is *basic knowledge*.  There is a skill gap on XIV, but the skill floor is nowhere as low as it is on swtor. And that's the issue. Once again, if people can clear This while being casuals on XIV, probably means that XIV does a better job during the story to teach you about how to play than swtor does. You can't even say that the player in this video is better geared, his equipment got synced down for the fight. That or maybe the swtor playerbase is by default missing a few neurons, but I mean, that'd be worrying from a health perspective. "This game is only played by dumb people" seems kinda unlikely, I think we can all agree on this.  
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